
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

American Airlines and United Airlines to furlough a combined 32,000 workers

American Airlines and United Airlines plan to furlough a combined 32,000 workers starting Thursday, when federal aid expires.

 “I am extremely sorry we have reached this outcome,” the American Air CEO said in a letter to employees. “It is not what you all deserve.”

Both airlines said they would reverse course if lawmakers and the Trump administration reach a deal for a new coronavirus stimulus that includes more airline payroll support.

The terms of $25 billion in federal payroll support Congress passed for the ailing sector in March prohibit airlines from cutting jobs until Oct. 1. The aid was meant to help airlines cope with a sharp drop in bookings until there was a significant recovery in demand, which hasn’t materialized. 

Airlines spent the last several months urging lawmakers for another $25 billion in payroll support, a proposal that has won bipartisan support. That would have preserved jobs through the end of March, despite weak travel demand.

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